
the very famous book which is known as rich dad poor dad 40 million copies of this has already been sold all over the world and in this book he has explain the most efficient way of earning money according to him there are ways to produce income the first where is an employee and employer would mean that you have a 9 to 5 job for you working for some company so in that case you will be an employee 2nd category is being self employed self employed would mean that you are not working for anyone else you are working for yourself like a doctor or a lawyer or chartered accountant third category is being a business owner would be that you have your own system you have people walking on the you some examples of business owners are Tata Birla ambani category is being an investor.

 investors other people don't have their own business but they invest in other companies so the basic difference between si and CI quadrant is that if we compare population wise than 95% of the population belongs to ES quadrant and only 5% of the population belongs to be I want but the most surprising fat is at 95% of the money belongs to p i quadrant and only 5% of the money belongs to vs quadrant and you are there in the sky percent of money employees and self employed how to put an lot of efforts and still together limited income and their income is considered to be active in the meaning of that if a person actively works only when he or she will on the income the day people stop working there was top earning income imagine you are a school teacher and you do not go to school for one month will pay you any salary for that one month no right imagine you have a small shop if any reason you do not open the shop for a week will you on any money for that one week no right but this is not the case with me and I want the people belong to which continent there on passive income the meaning of passive income that even if the people do not work for any number of days they will still on their income even if they stopped working still there income will never stop know why does this happen this happens because the people of this quadrant they are not working alone they are working as a team there is a network of people that works for them and because of this the people in me I couldn't have unlimited income so guys now I will tell you about this company about this business module with the help of which you can on a very good income with no investment the name of the company is best vestige message is an Indian company that's on 2nd June 2007 in New Delhi the company started with two officers and only 6 distributors today the company has won 21545 branch offices and Ava 5000 pickup centre there are 30 lakh distributors that I am already join vestige the first year turnover of the company was 5 crores and the last your turnovers 1100 crore message has offices in India Nepal in this year's target is that vestige will start in Saudi Arabia Oman Bangladesh Philippines the target of 2020.


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